Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sayings About and For Pastors

Dr. Harold Sightler

My pastor, Dr Harold Sightler said,
"You feed sheep every day, you shear sheep once or twice a year, but you only skin sheep once."

·       The most interesting point some preachers make is the stopping point.
·       Preachers who used to preach on women's clothes have been compelled to turn to other topics. There just wasn't enough material.
·       The preacher who cannot broaden or deepen his sermons usually lengthens them.
·       If you need some kind of excuse, see your preacher; he has heard more than anyone else.
·       Far too many men in the pulpit deal in dry goods and notions.
·       The preacher's business is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
·       Second wind is what some preachers get when they say, "And now in conclusion..."
·       The preacher's prayer ought to be, "O Lord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff and nudge me when I've said enough."
·        A preacher was fired for two reasons: he had a poor delivery, and he never had much to deliver.
·       Sermons, like biscuits, are improved by shortening.
·       The eternal Gospel does not require an everlasting sermon.
·       The great preachers are not the men who master their messages but the men who are mastered by their messages.
·       It takes more religion to preach to one person than to a multitude.
·       The best theology is the fruit of "kneeology."
·       There is no pulpit so vacant as the one without the message of the love of God.
·       There is a vast difference between having something to say and having to say something.
·       If people sleep during the sermon, the minister needs to be awakened.
·       The best education possible is essential, but there are ministers who are dying by "degrees."
·       Some ministers with doctoral degrees do not seem to have learned the alphabet in the school of Christ.
·       There are two fools in the pulpit: one -who will take nothing from anybody, the other who will take everything from everybody.
·       There are ministers who will not heed the snap of a man's finger but will give complete attention to the snap of his pocketbook.
·       Some ministers lambaste their people because they do not pay more, when the people feel they are paying more than they are getting.
·       Some ministers have a wealth of thought; others have a thought for wealth.
·       When a person enters Christian work for money, there is the Devil to pay.
·       Sermons are like bread - delicious when fresh, but when a month old, hard to cut, harder to eat, and hardest to digest.
·       Ministers should not only have a smooth train of thought but also a terminal.

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