1. Determining the Church's Responsibility

2. Describe the Discipling Process
A. Teach biblical truth - The Greek word translated
"disciple" means "learner." If someone is a learner, that
assumes someone else will teach him. Discipling Christians means teaching them
biblical truth. When I disciple people, I give them books to read and tapes to
listen to that deal with biblical topics I want them to understand. Besides
teaching from the pulpit, I teach them biblical truths on a personal level from
the Word of God.
B. Apply Scripture to life - You need to make the Bible come
alive to the person you're discipling by making it practical. He must know how
to apply biblical truth. You'd be amazed how many people learn principles that
they never put into action. I ask questions that get the disciple to think
through his own set of circumstances from God's perspective. I want him to see
life spiritually.
C. Solve problems biblically - Biblical problem-solving is a key
to effective discipling. People learn best when they have a need to know. You
always learn best when you have to know the answers. Effective discipleship
involves giving someone biblical answers to problems he has and teaching them
how to apply them. You can't just lecture; you've got to know enough Scripture
to give your disciple answers when he needs them.
You may think you don't know much. Yet there are people who don't know as much as you. Find one of them and begin to disciple him. It is a great joy to see your disciples mature and grow. A Christian ought to be sharing the life he has received from God with others.
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